The future is swooping in faster than ever, and formulating a personal understanding of the paradigm shifts can require looking at the momentous trends from different perspectives – in fact, the future is multi-sensorial, even beyond our native evolutionary five senses, and so Dubai’s Digital Extravaganza art exhibition takes on a vital role for the forward-thinker.
Plus, an evening at the Theatre of Digital Art of Dubai is always a marvelous experience!

Besides the opportunity to meet so many interesting people, the venue is spectacular on its own merit.

Also, a fully-stocked bar is on the premises, and often delightful surprises are sprung on honored guests!

Digital Extravaganza exhibition is running over the summer months, underscoring the significance of this production – actually, to be considered a vital step in coming a full 360-degrees in creating a personal interpretation of the future.
Because virtual reality (VR) and its sister tech themes are set to penetrate every aspect of our lives, bursting in from the amazing developments undertaken within the video games arena – where players combat, collaborate, or simply live parallel virtual lives, in digital universes that with nowadays technology – not even tomorrow’s planned advances: today’s – can blow the average mind into another plane of dimension.
And VR is certainly not even considered cutting edge anymore… nor is it the central theme of Digital Extravaganza.

So what what is Digital Extravaganza all about?
Well, like most all things, it’s complicated… and it means different things to different people.
Speak to a banker, and blockchain serves as an incorruptible digital ledger, but ask an art collector and it works to secure copyright and ownership within an NFT artwork…
But Digital Extravaganza takes an innovative window, and presents an immersive digital arts experience which will tease a personal interpretation, a customized rationalization, even a challenge to the status quo, to help you reach a fresh understanding of what the future carries forward.

Virtual or Augmented Realities, blockchained NFTs and crypto, and multi-user avatar worlds run on the metaverse all come together in a mind-boggling exhibition within the marvelous Theatre of Digital Art’s hall.

And if the intellectual stimulation of re-thinking your place in the future of the world is not your objective, then simply enjoying the fantastic art show is in itself a marvelous evening – the experience is one filled with wonder, swirling colors, and majestic imaginative scenery!

I won’t spoil it further for you, so that you may experience Digital Extravaganza with an open mind – just know that the art is amazing in both overall effect as well as in details.

And it is an evening of great beauty.
As well as provocative thought…

In addition to the main digital hall, you will also be invited to explore more intimate spaces, offering interaction and also the possibilty of entering or adding to your art collection.

I will leave you with this business angle with regards to digital art, and what Digital Extravaganza presents you a glimpse into: the Statista research website on 14 Apr 2022 released an estimate of the current value of the online sales for the 2021 global art market, USD 13.3 billion.
Basically, move with the times embracing clear-sighted opportunity, or get left behind with cloudy vision – and that’s about life itself, in its totality, not only digital art.
Therefore, without hesitation, I would consider Digital Extravaganza to be Dubai’s most consequential art exhibition of the year – because art as an expression of beauty is of stand-alone intrisic value, but a deeper realization of world-changing forces presents a zeitgeist that makes the Theatre of Digital Art’s exhibition a must-see for all people who wish to claim their place in our future worlds.
From schoolchilden to grandparents, miss it at your peril.