Let me open by saying straight out that I believe Kinara by Vikas Khanna is Dubai’s finest contemporary Indian restaurant at this moment in time.
There, I’ve said it!
Now sit back and enjoy…

From theatrics to the basics, Kinara will take you on an unforgettable culinary journey.
Please try it yourself, as I already know there is no way I can represent the depth of the experience in a mere article – no matter what praise I can type, or what photos I can present… in fact, I was humbled by the gravity of the excellence presented to us.
I’ll let the photos lead the way…
The exterior dining terrace:

The desserts we tried:

The attention to detail, impeccable; the textures and flavors, a total tease…
… and the selection and combination of ingredients is simply genius.

Above, the Saffron Rose Pudding – rose petal jam, cardamom, banana caramel sauce, candied nuts.
Below, the Coconut Rice Kheer – pomegranate poached pears, saffron cream, coconut ice cream.

Roots proudly placed deep in India, inspiration from the ether.
The interior:

And the wines, curated and paired – also true to soul, and authentic:

A spectacular dining extravaganza, whereby you know you are under the spell of a master magician – Chef Vikas Khanna – and yet you eagerly follow this epicurean virtuoso, knowing you are experiencing a masterfully crafted and epic voyage of the senses, unique to Dubai, and indeed, the World.
I will keep the rest a surprise, because please you must experience Kinara by Vikas Khanna yourself – though kindly allow me to share just one more dish, fit for a King:
Heralding from the very southern part of India, from God’s Own Country, Kerala, a magnificent version of Sesame Crusted Scallops, in coconut mango sauce, garnished with floral carrot dust, and brown butter – superb!

All in all, I was spellbound throughout, and the intensity of the participation in such a extraordinary gourmet event – which, for Kinara, was just a regular delivery of dinner – I realized that I had been taken to a level of culinary ecstasy that is rare and second to none.
For this, I am grateful, and I remain to this day in awe.