The weekend brunch at Anantara Eastern Mangroves presents itself as a gourmet’s paradise.
The five-star luxury hotel complex runs along the southern edge of Abu Dhabi’s mangrove, and the terrace is a stone’s throw across a peaceful stretch of water – but you will notice none of that because the food is just so good it eclipses all else!

But let’s back off a second – I’m getting carried away by the memories of the palate!
You see, there are brunches that are all show: they try to impress with glitz and glamour, but when you actually evaluate with your taste buds, they fall flat – not because they are unable to cook, but because they play it safe, and keep the food bland, aiming for a middle path that really pleases no one but somewhat satisfies all.
The more I learn about reviewing restaurants, I realize this is a lack of confidence, or perhaps an inordinate amount of pressure onto the Chefs from management.
At Anantara the opposite is true.
The Chefs operate with confidence in their craft, and they are encouraged to bring out their very best flavors!
After all, they are the experts, and they should be allowed to create and deliver.
Executive Sous Chef Idin Asmitha proudly introduced his team, and explained each of their specialties. Chef Julius slices at the sushi counter, Chef Firas wrestles the nougats, Chef Sureerat waves her magic wand over the Thai cuisine – and they are all world-class experts.
The combination of this expertise sets the tone for Friday brunch at Anantara Eastern Mangroves – it is overall the best tasting brunch I have had the pleasure of visiting in the last few years, from memory.
A truly epicurean feast all around!

Let’s go into some detail:
Chef Julius…

…works the sushi counter, and from the freshest ingredients produces delights such as these:

While at the opposite end of the spectrum, at the dessert counter, and from a cultural cuisine from across the world, Chef Firas prepares Turkish delights and nougats – not one nougat, not two, but an entire buffet of nougats of all possible colors and delicate flavors – truly exceptional.
For instance, saffron:

Or just take your pick!

Each of them refined and sophisticated – the work of a master nougateer.

And you may even find one that carries within it the love that went into its preparation…

The Anantara brunch also holds a strong Asian connection, and Chef Sureerat, from Thailand, adds her vital touches to an excellent selection.

From tasty petite morsels such as Miang Kham, above, to spicy papaya salad, below, Thai cuisine excels at combining the freshest ingredients with delicious sauces.

And this means that the fresh meats and seafood that you select will taste heavenly!

All in all, the three facets I highlighted are but components of the overall dining experience – but I wanted to showcase how each Chef is given free rein to excel, to go beyond their boundaries and explore and innovate and bring to their section of the brunch the absolute very best.
And this brings together a majestic brunch, a concerto of virtuosos, all pieces of the larger puzzle, which combine to make the Anantara weekend brunch a real show-stopper.
Simply perfect.