Unison is a fabulous barber shop, and well worth a shout out on weekenduae – it’s true we mostly feature recommendations for weekend destinations, but getting a really good haircut is something we men all need, and why not go for the best?
You can find Unison at Palm Strip mall, in Jumeirah.

Zach and his crew are more than pros – they really care.
It’s one thing to learn the technical skills of high-quality barbering, and that’s a lifelong journey, as each man has his own unique hair, but it’s a totally different dimension to care about it to the point it becomes your calling in life…
…and when those two worlds coincide, then you have magic!
And that is what Unison offers day in day out, to their lucky clients.
You see, it’s not only about cutting hair.
Your mate with a pair of blunt scissors could do that for you – but I would not recommend that!
Instead, it’s about the whole experience.
Unison works with you, as a partner, on your team.

A man’s hair, a man’s beard – that’s so personal, it’s off-limits.
We don’t trust the razor to just anyone.
Sure, maybe one day you’ll be Out of Africa and will bend your neck back to your girl with the straight-razor… but don’t tell me you do it readily and with trust!
Unison is exactly that – the place you can trust.

I’m not going to go into the women vs men debate of who’s more comfortable getting their hair done, because it’s pointless – but just let the guys alone on this.
We have hair, too. And facial hair – and we love it!
Let us have our cuts, and our place, and our style.
At Unison, it all comes together naturally.
For instance, they run a top-quality sound system – no tinny radio blabber – oh, keep me away from a barber who runs the live radio, or worse, the MTV loop!
At Unison, you feel the bass in your heart… and it’s background, not in your face.
I wonder if they customized the tracks for me.

And they got the equipment.
Everything I need.
Check it out – these are the Lamborghini of barber chairs:

You’ve sat in the bright red Toyota Corollas of barber stools, yeah?
Now try the smooth Bentleys…

And in your barber’s hands?
Katana-sharp, yet gentle soft brushes keep the hairs out of your eyes.
You bring your car for foam-wash full-body pampering, right? Now try it on yourself.
Your hair, your beard – that’s your calling card.
That’s what people remember, that’s what women want to caress.
Don’t you go for second-best!
And bring your son – let him know what it’s like to be a man.

Lotions and products too girly for you? I know that feeling.
You’re wrong.
Try and become a believer.
Unison has you covered.

I’m telling you, yes, it’s alchemy – women don’t own it.
You want to look like a dry date? Be my guest. Me? I want that Unison magic.
Don’t be shy – you deserve the very best.

You try it once, you’re a customer for life.
I was, I am.
Unison is the best.