First of all, funky vibrant interior decor and delicious quality food actually run side by side at Catch 22 – I was a little taken aback at the bright neon signs, but was instantly taken fully back on board when the food arrived!
In fact, Catch 22 is a fresh breed of restaurant – where fun and games do actually go together with a superb meal.
Maybe that is the real catch 22!
See for yourself:

But, let’s start from the beginning…
Catch 22 is located in Dubai Hills Mall, on the first floor.

The entrance immediately catches the eye, and is unmissable!

And it delivers what it promises on the neon sign: Burgers, Sushi, and Shakes!
But the real news is it does so at a brilliant level of deliciousness – so please don’t let the electric vibes fool you.
The decor is obviously unique…

… and a lot of creativity has gone into developing the Catch 22 feel.
The teen-zone booths at the back are totally insane – but to tell the truth once you are seated, care of the friendly and professional staff, your attention will turn to the menu!

And the selections are excellent, from a very enticing soup served in a whole loaf of bread, to exciting salads, and then very clever burger-sushi-pinsa-sandwiches options, crowned by amazing desserts, and accompanied by all sorts of incredible shakes and drinks!
But once the dishes are presented at your table, you realize that Catch 22 is a lot more than a high-energy funky diner…
Catch 22 is fine-dining fast-food!

Admire the Unagi Nigiri…
That was not only a top-level morsel of grilled eel on sushi rice, but both the flavors on the palate and the expert construction made it a total winner!
This could be served at any of Dubai’s fancy fine-dining restaurants, and it would be totally in place, and receive nods of delighted approvals.
Instead it is prepared at Catch 22 – Dubai’s craziest and funnest kidz-and-teenz friendly restaurant outlet!
I have to admit I was not expecting that…
The theme of Catch 22 matching vibes and outstanding food continued: a magic show started at one end of the restaurant, and, like magic, kids disappeared from their tables, leaving the grown-ups.
Whatever was going on with the show, the laughter from the children confirmed it was a hit! You know the contagious full-body belly-laughs, that make you laugh as well? I felt like going and joining in sitting cross-legged in with all the kids!
And the parents?
Ahhh, kids away, safe and happily entertained – and we enjoy our food and adult conversations!
Very clever!

From the starters observe the Dynamite Shrimp – exceptional!
The shrimps popped in your mouth, and the crunchy batter was complemented by a creamy sauce rich in umami flavors, which elevated the portion out of the mayonnaisey zone and presented it at gourmet level.
It is clear that Catch 22 is not playing around with easy-to-prepare instant boxed meals – instead a top-notch team of Chefs in the kitchens have put their expertise into each recipe.
Case in point, the salmon salad:

Perfectly grilled salmon steak – see the grill marks, an indication of the high temperatures to seal the fish, crisp the exterior, and preserve the moisture and flavorsome juices inside – and then the dressing… Lemongrass? Really? What a marvelous choice!
Fast-forward to the Pinsa, which is basically a pizza with a softer, fluffier dough – usually allowed to mature over 72 hours – and again Catch 22 not only did not cut corners, but excelled.

Look closer, see how high that fluffy dough was!

And crispy at the edges, just like it’s supposed to be.
Top quality burrata, gentle spread of tomato sauce, a sprinkling of sweet cherry tomatoes, and fresh basil leaves – Catch 22’s pinsa could be served across the road from the Colosseum in Rome, and diners would queue outside to get their slice.
Same story for the burger!

Soft and melt-in-your-mouth bun, imaginative build with two very tasty and smokey patties, melted cheese to drive you crazy, proper crunchy pickles, and a delightful sauce that enhanced the meat rather than smothering it.
A tip-top cheese burger, second to none.
And that was their basic, classic burger!
And if you were now pinching yourself to see if you were actually dreaming, caught in a psychedelic movie acted out within a five-star restaurant – you would be right!
Because then most-delicious-ever desserts arrive…

I have no more words to try explain just how delicious Catch 22 was – you will just have to go try for yourselves.
Overall, Catch 22 has developed an innovative concept into a lively reality, and it is genius: it’s the kind of place kids will beg to go to, for the fun vibes and live entertainment, while at the same time it’s edgy and funky enough to serve as a trendy teens’ hang-out; but above all, what Catch 22 brings to the table will delight diners of all ages – a brilliant Burgers, Sushi, and Shakes restaurant at Dubai Hills Mall.