The UAE knows very well – nothing is more important than fresh drinking water.
Hence a forward-looking enterprise has set up bottling station in one of the world’s purest, most natural water sources: New Zealand!

In fact, natrl water is bottled at the source at the Heretaunga Aquifer, where the alpine rain and snow melt waters take 50-60 years to filter naturally through layers of gravel, sand and silt to a deep artesian groundwater aquifer.

The quality is absolutely pristine, and it is a naturally sterile mineral water – even indicated for baby formula.
It is not desalinated or distilled, as most of the other drinking water available in UAE.
And yet the most interesting feature of natrl water is its box!

Two square 10-liter boxes of natrl water contain one more liter than the standard 5-gallon plastic water container popular in homes and offices in the UAE.
But they are so much easier to carry…

… and to store!
Here are 40 liters in my store room – perfectly stackable, and ready for use as required, including any emergencies.

And of special interest to campers, the natrl box transportability is excellent in that it can be placed in the vehicle cargo area without it rolling around and developing leaks!

That’s a winner for me!
And not only that… it also means no more wasted plastic half-bottles of water; where someone takes a drink, but can’t finish it, and so puts it aside “for later”, and then never remembers whose is who’s, and the bottles get abandoned.
And of course those soft plastic bottles are terrible for the environment in the first place…

So, either camping, or at home, the clever cardboard boxed natrl water cuts down the waste of polluting plastic and resource-intensive artificial water production.

while also offering natural water quality second to none on the planet!

natrl water is delivered to the convenience of your home or office – no dispenser needed – as the tap is built into the box itself.

So the next time you stock up for home use or a nice weekend drive, order in a few boxes of natrl water.
Give it a try, and I think you’ll appreciate the benefits.

And when it’s empty – you flatten the cardboard and easily carry it back out to a garbage can.